“ISIS Power” Unplugs From Name


Due to the current political climate in the USA with the word “ISIS”, Jay Harris was forced to re-brand “ISIS Power” 

under another name – Now InfinityBox LLC

(ISIS was 

an acronym for the product: Intelligent Silicon Integrated System.)

IMHO: This is a real shame, and a stroke of bad luck. As a business owner I’d be frustrated as hell by this but what can you do in that situation. 

In one regard I supposed you’d want to resit changing, but it would likely cost as much to keep the brand safe as it does to change it.

KUDOS to you Jay, for making this bold step. As a show of support for your brand (and for whats it’s worth), I have tried to replace all reference to “ISIS Power” with “InfinityBox LLC” throughout my blog.

(Excerpt From The Chicago Tribune) 
ISIS Power, an Elk Grove Village manufacturer of automotive electrical wiring systems, isn’t a terrorist organization. That’s what president and founder Jay Harris has been telling customers and the curious alike for months.

But sharing a name with a militant Islamic group has proved bad for business recently, and the 5-year-old company re-branded itself last week as Infinitybox LLC…. See the entire article here – “ISIS Power” Unplugs From Name

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